sda7 is reffered as C: in windows, which would be the first partition.if it's the one with the windows boot sector or system files, windows would start in there.
and the rest of your questions are pretty much "who knows?"
hope this helps,
I agree. I've got a few more questions I'll need to ask your PC. It's a bit convoluted but I think I got it sorted though. I also noticed you bought the 7.1 version... is the 5.1 a different driver or something? I looked at the support page for that game and it doesn't mention anything.
I've got a bit more of an idea now, this is just a rather abstract concept. The boot sector seems to be the first disk sector that contains the first 512 bytes or something along those lines. The first partition is the next. the whole disk is divided up into all of the partitions. you must have a system partition for the boot sector and a system partition for the first partition and a data partition for everything else. You also need something to identify the type of the partition. For example a FAT32 partition is a FAT partition. ext2 is an ext2 partition, ext3 is an ext3 partition. now is is possible that the data partition can be further split, like a FAT32 partition could be a FAT32 for the root and FAT32 for a single directory. So you could have a partition for /boot, another partition for the root, another for /usr, another for /var, another for /tmp, etc. You could just have a single FAT32 partition for everything. Some file systems have a maximum partition size (ext2), some don't (ext3).
So what I'm thinking, is that you can boot the system by reading sectors from disk into RAM, where it is loaded into memory. then it is loaded into RAM and the program is running from RAM, which means that all it has to do to make changes to the computer is to make modifications to the RAM. however, I can't see how this would make it practical to play multiplayer
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